Thursday, November 11, 2010


Our family would like to give a big THANK YOU to all the Veterans!! If it wasn't for you,...well who knows were we would be right now. I have you to THANK for my freedom!

Josh had to get up this morning at 5:30am. Let me tell you, he hates getting up early. Today he didn't seem to mind. I think he knew in his heart that getting up today is the least he could do for our Veterans. He is helping with a breakfast for the Veterans this morning! With the group he is in the Civil Air Patrol. He will be able to meet first hand some of our Heroes and hear their stories. Something I think he need to do. There is a lot to be to learn, he is a kid and he plays war but I don't think he really understands want it all about. I think he still see it as a video game, I know that will change soon enough.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

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