Saturday, January 31, 2009


I got to go ice fishing today. John, Sadie and I went down to my brother house on the lake. It was very cold out on the lake. When the wind blow it went right through you. I didn't keep Sadie out long. At one point I sat on the ice with my legs out so Sadie could lay on my legs. After that I had her go inside with John. She didn't want to go in with out me but her paws had it. I need to get her the booties for dogs!!!!

Glen and Denise had a bunch of their friends over to enjoy the outdoors. John got a fire going in the outdoor pit. The snowmobile was ready for people to take rides. Some of their friends brought their dogs too. Sadie had a blast running around with them.

Some people snowshoed, some stood by the fire, some also went ice fishing. Glen was the only one to catch a fish. I think it's because he knows the lake, I'm going with that.

Glen took Emily for a ride on the snowmobile. I too went on it. Only Sadie tried to follow me. She ran out and was getting stuck in the snow so I picked her up, put her on the snowmobile with me. I stood behind her with my legs holding her on the seat. I wish John could have taken a picture only I had the camera in my pocket. What a great picture that would have been.

On the way home I saw some mailboxes with snow on them. I thought it cool.

1 comment:

lee and hannah said...

wow!! that looks so fun!! love the picture with the mailboxes :)