The weather here in Maine has been great for the past few days. I have come down with Spring fever!!! And it's a high fever at that!! Sunday the snowmen in my house had no chance of sticking around. They tried to hide behind the books on the shelves but I found them. They even tried to hide behind the curtains, just not going to work. You have to give them credit for trying but they were no match for me in my whirl wind of spring fever. They all got shoved into a box with love and care. Until next time my friends, when the snow starts to fly, they will see light again.
Now the bunnies have taken over the house. You should never put two bunnies in the same box for a year!! It is true they multiply fast. We also have the little yellow chicks running around. The cat's are having a ball with them.
Outside I took down all the red bows, pine tree branches and white sticks out of the flower pots and stuck in colorful fake flowers which were in a bag in the basement that I was getting rid of (spring cleaning the basement too on SAT & SUN). I don't do fake flowers in the house anymore only real cut flowers or plant for now on!! (less crap in the house is the new rule) I really don't care for fake flowers outside but like I said SPRING FEVER BAD!!!!!!!! I also cleaned out the flower garden. I can't wait for things to start popping up! Our friend Tom let me go in his garden and take a ton of flowers last fall for my garden. So it's going to be like Christmas in my garden this spring. I have no idea what some of the plates are or if they made it!!! OH I just can't wait!!!!
Man.... I need to get up and clean something or get rid of to go!!!
Less crap in your way, makes LIFE run smoother!!
I cleaned my garden TOO!!! its such a happy time!!
Must be going around. I blogged about Spring today too. Such nice weather we've had. A few days of rain for us then looks good again.
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