Sunday, November 15, 2009


Saturday morning I called my mother to ask if she wanted to go shopping. She sounded like a little kids all happy she was going to get out of the house. I picked her up and we hang out for most of the day. It was a lot of fun.

Sunday there was a lot of cleaning around the house inside and out. Getting ready for winter. You know the season we all look forward to. It was so nice outside I just wanted to get out in the woods. Being it's Sunday there is no hunting. Josh, Sadie and I went up to my mothers house to walk in the woods. Josh was looking for dead trees to knock down. We were looking for deer tracks or other animals, just enjoying the outdoors. My mom's dog Lacey also joined out for the walk. The dogs ran after each other having a grand old time. Sadie turned into the great hunter dog. She was finding smells of who knows what and would start to run only to stop and roll on the ground on WHO KNOWS WHAT!!!! Sadie was flying over rock walls, jumping over logs, with Lacey right behind her.

Sadie is now lying on the coach beside me as I type dreaming I guess because her feet are just a kicking.

Now it's 7:15pm and all I keep thinking is I have to go to work in 12 hours. I wish work time and home time would switch. We spend more time at work then we do in the homes we are working for. We spend more time with the people we work with then the people we love!!!! It doesn't seem right.


1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I'm with you! Wish there was more home time and less work time. Had beautiful weather here too and got out for a nice walk.