Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I had another day at home because of the snow that dropped on Maine. We really didn't get that much snow to shovel, but enough that is made the roads very slippery. So with that said I stayed home with my son. He played TV games and I cleaned out all my scrap booking stuff. Now I can find things when I need them. I also got to clean the house because I love doing that on a day off. After it's done it does make me feel a lot better. I'm trying to clean sweep (the show where they get rid of everything to make more space). I want to have a yard sale this summer to get rid of all the stuff we really don't need. A lot of our stuff has just added up over the years and it's out of date and just doesn't go. We have lived in our new house now for almost 2 years. A lot of our stuff is from the apartment that just doesn't go here. It's stuff that we just can't find a home for so it's got to go!!! I really hate to see it go because it's some good stuff. I'm hoping to make a little money that would be nice to have more space, less to clean, and money. Who doesn't love that.

I really would like to redo our computer/craft room. I keep telling my husband I want it to look like it came out of the Pottery Barn. I could never buy anything from there. I would find things else where and make it look close to it. I love things in boxes or baskets so you don't see the mess. I would love to build my own but that to right now is not going to happen. It just cost to much.

I just can't spend that kind of money the way things are now in our country!! I guess I could just buy some white bookcases from Wal-Mart and make a top for it.

I'm also thinking about getting the shelving from Lowe's that have the tracks on the wall, or the other kind. I'm not sure which one is better. I do know I want them white because my walls are a light yellow. I would like to add light blues and greens in the room. Maybe the boxes or odd and ends.
Let me know what you think I should do. White OK or should I do brown or a color. I could paint the bookcases. I need some idea!!!

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