Monday, October 12, 2009


CANS FOR A CURE is starts this Wed!!! We have been taking the cans and bottles that we got from everyone and cashing them in. John dropped off some today and we are up to $140.00. John and Josh are getting more right now and cashing them in. I guess we made our goal of $100.00!!!!! Next year we are going to start earlier and also let people know if they don't have bottles and cans they can do a cash donation.

Well John and Josh are back and the grand total is...... drum roll please......$157.00 and we could still come up with more on Tuesday and Wednesday!! I hope.

I can't wait for Josh to hand over the money to the Morning Crew for Q97.9! I know it will make him feel good when they see what he and his family have done. Like I said in older posts, it started off as Josh's thing, and now it's a family goal every year. We have so much fun doing it.
I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to, Joshua's father Charley and his wife Angie, Grandparents, Aunt Bump & Uncle Eric, Aunt Denise & Uncle Glen, Rick & Jenn, Steve & Vonnie, Ricky, Cathy, Janell, Barbara, Ron, and to who I may have forgot!! Thank you for all your help!!

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