Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back At Work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back at work as of today!!!!!!! I'm so glad they needed me back. The day flew by so fast because I had so much work to do. I was the only one there in the shop most of the day. The boys were working at a house painting. So I had the radio to myself and I was moving and grooving all day. I knock apart, sand and glue furniture. I also do moldings and well anything wood. Sometime metal, clean brass , I guess I do what ever my boss tells me to for a customer. Everyday is something different and that's what I love about my job. Today I had to sand off as much paint as I could. Feather what wouldn't come off. The door is going to be painted again. Then I had to sand a small table, and glue it, and sand some molding. I also lightly sanded 8 dinning chairs that are going to be painted. Took caning out of 3 chairs, and started to take one apart to be glued.

1 comment:

Steve Hildebrand said...

Congrats for being back at work. Looks like they didn't ease you in. Busy day!
